Thousand Oaks, CA
Home MenuText Notification FAQ
Sign up for Text Notification
Thousand Oaks Library offers text and phone notifications from Shoutbomb - a text and voice messages service.
Sign up to:
- Receive text notices about requested items ready for holds pickup, items due soon and overdue items.
- Send a text to request a renewal and receive a text back with the result of your request.
Note: There is no fee for this service, but your mobile service provider's regular text-messaging rates may apply.
What you need
- A mobile phone that can send and receive text messages (Rates may apply. Confirm with your service provider).
- The 14-digit barcode number from your library card and a PIN for your account
Courtesy Notices are sent out via email, text, or phone 3 days before items are due except items with a 2 or 3 day loan period. Please note, the Library is not responsible for notices not received.