In 2016 local author and performance artist Martha Abbey Miller published Frances Maschal Landers's biography, "Hope Personified: Frances Maschal Landers." Landers was an Arkansas woman who funded 51 schools to educate over 10,000 children in 40 different mountain villages in Haiti. Come hear her remarkable story.
Martha Abbey Miller, who has performed many one-woman shows across the County, is proud to perform a portrayal of Frances Landers. The show, "Frances Landers: Bringing Hope to Haiti through Education," will inspire attendees and reinforce that each of us is never too old to make a difference in the lives of others.
After the show, Martha will sell copies of her book ($20) and sign copies. Proceeds will go to the Frances Maschal Landers Foundation, the non-profit that furthers the education of children in Haiti's remote mountains.
Miller has also performed other one-woman shows such as Eleanor, Lucy, and the Man in the Middle; Anne Morrow Lindbergh; and Anne Frank: Hiding and Writing; Margaret Mitchell: The Voice behind Scarlett O’Hara.