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Reading History
Reading History is an optional feature of the Thousand Oaks Library catalog. Users may choose to “Save Reading History” to use this feature and save a record of everything they have checked out from the library. Once the feature is enabled, the system will begin recording items checked out from that point. Users may start or stop using this feature, as well as delete any or all reading history at any time. Currently, this feature is only available to track printed materials, DVDs, music CDs and Spoken Word. eMedia items will not be in the Reading History.
The Library takes patron confidentiality seriously. Only the account holder with the proper login credentials will be able to view and manage the Reading History feature.
Activating Reading History
- Log into My Account.
- Once you are logged in you will see the screen below. Directions for activating Reading History are shown here:
Managing Reading History
You may delete individual items from your Reading History by using the check boxes and the Delete Marked button.
Sort your Reading History by Title, Author, Checked Out date or Details by selecting the linked column headers. This will sort your Reading History in ascending order.
If you would like to keep a record of your Reading History before deleting it, use the Export Reading History button. Export your Reading History by choosing the Export Reading History button. This allows you to email a list or save an HTML file with your Reading History.
First, choose the format of listed items (Full, Brief, or MARC display), then select Email or Screen for an HTML file. If you select Email, provide an email address; you can choose to modify the subject line of the email sent, directly beneath the email address box. When you have finished making your selections, use the Submit button.
Opting out of Reading History
Opt out of tracking your Reading History by logging in to My Account. Choose Reading History from your account menu. You must first delete all of your Reading History before you can opt out of tracking. If you would like to keep a record of your Reading History before deleting it, use the Export Reading History button.
Use the Delete All button at the top of the list to delete your Reading History, then select the Opt Out button.