Time Management: More Time to Manage Your Business
As entrepreneurs we find ourselves starting each day with a long laundry list of potential activities we could do. When it comes down to it, we should be focused on completing tasks that will create the highest return for our time. But how do you know if you’re focusing on the right tasks?
We tend to also end our day with an even longer list after thinking about another half dozen ideas to make more money. Sound familiar? The question we hear from entrepreneurs most often about their long to-do-lists is: “How do I determine which activities will generate the highest results?”
We’ll discuss 9 simple strategies that can make a huge impact to value your time and generate results from your activities.
- How to evaluate your work day
- Develop a daily work plan
- Prioritizing what is important
- How to get the best use of the hours you have
- How to say no
- Learn the difference between Important and Urgent.
- Learn how to delegate.
- Work on your internal systems
- Control your day.
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