The Thousand Oaks Library is seeking submissions for a community story slam. Eight selected autobiographical stories will be read on stage by the authors on Friday, October 11, 2019, at 7:00 P.M. at the Thousand Oaks Library. Audience favorite will win a prize.
Stories can be funny or poignant, uplifting or compelling, but they must be autobiographical, and they must be true. Please keep your story PG-rated. Maximum word count for entries is 1,200 words or about 8 minutes in length.
Please email your submission to: with the subject line: Thousand Oaks Library Story Slam. You may also drop off your submission to the Thousand Oaks Library Administration Office in a sealed envelope. Entries must include your name and contact information.
Deadline for submissions is Monday, September 11, 2019, at 5:00 P.M.
Selected authors will be notified by Thursday, September 27, 2019.